Hosted by Martha Frankel

Woodstock Bookfest always closes with our signature panel, Memoir-A-Go-Go. Memoir speaks to our most basic impulse to tell our stories around the fire. It allows us insight into perspectives outside of our own, and a peek into the human experience of others. Moderated by Martha Frankel, the powerhouse behind Bookfest, this year’s Memoir-A-Go-Go is sure to be entertaining and engaging.

Martha Frankel is the executive director of the Woodstock Bookfest. And also the secretary, treasurer, and stenographer. Sometimes she is the security team. And always she is the biggest cheerleader for this collection of writers and readers. Her memoir, Hats and Eyeglasses, delves into her family’s obsession with gambling.

Jennifer Kabat is the author of the twinned memoirs The Eighth Moon and Nightshining published by Milkweed Editions in 2024 and 2025. She received an Andy Warhol Foundation Arts Writers Grant for her criticism and has been published in BOMB and The Best American Essays. Her writing has also appeared in Granta, Frieze, Harper’s, McSweeney’s, The Believer, Virginia Quarterly Review, Los Angeles Review of Books, The New York Review, and The White Review. A finalist for the essay prize at Notting Hill Editions, she often collaborates with artists. She’s part of the core faculty in the Design Research MA at the School of Visual Arts. An apprentice herbalist, she lives in rural New York and serves on her volunteer fire department.

Oliver Radclyffe is part of the new wave of transgender writers unafraid to address the complex nuances of transition, examining the places where gender identity, sexual orientation, feminist allegiance, social class, and family history overlap. His work has appeared in The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, Electric Literature, The Gay & Lesbian Review, PRINT Magazine and Them. His monograph, Adult Human Male, was published by Unbound Edition in 2023, and his memoir, Frighten the Horses, is out now with Roxane Gay Books. He currently lives on the Connecticut coast, where he is raising his four children.

Sophie Strand is a writer based in the Hudson Valley who focuses on the intersection of spirituality, storytelling, and ecology. Her poems and essays have appeared in numerous projects and publications, including Spirituality & HealthAtmosBraided Way, and Art PAPERS. She is the author of The Flowering Wand, The Madonna Secret, and the memoir The Body Is a Doorway as well as the creator of the popular Substack “Make Me Good Soil.”  You can follow her work on Instagram @cosmogyny.

Get a Full Festival pass and you’ll get to take in the Story Slam on Thursday night. Then sail into the weekend: attending all the wonderful panels, both parties, and both evening events. And share the bounty from our always-stuffed goody bag.

Woodstock Community Center
56 Rock City Road
Sunday April 6, 2025